Shefdenacademy is a platform where contents on civil engineering design, construction, research and others can be access. This was created due to urge to impact knowledge on engineers, engineering students and others. Our contents comes in presentation, books, training, drawing and research for personal and legal consumption for our users. We also post civil engineering related jobs across Nigeria to aid graduates and individuals searching for jobs opportunities.

We have trained 200+ students in area of civil engineering designs and detailing. Our practical approach make us unique from others. We give high quality, well detailed and presented tutorials for all levels of learners.

We are structural engineers and successfully designed a quite lots number of projects, receiving accolades for our work. We provide professional design for your dream projects. was created by Sheriffdeen Adeyemi, as a branch of Shefden Academy and Consulting Engineer – A registered company for civil engineering consultancy with the Corporate Affair Commission (CAC) of Nigeria.